“Why yes, by all means, let your larger-than-life ta-ta’s
rest on my forehead as you bathe me.”
I feel an authentic Turkish bath at an actual bathhouse is
an essential if you plan on visiting Turkey.
Even though I hadn’t done much research on all that a Turkish bath
entailed, I knew this was on my “must-do” list.
A spa treatment in a country famous for them, what could possible go
wrong?? Seemed like a no-brainer,
especially after backpacking the several days prior through the
countryside. Well, there is something
to be said for being armed with information… and I most certainly was not.

When you first enter the Çemberlitas Hamami http://www.cemberlitashamami.com/ you choose oneof several bathing options, and are given a token for what you have selected and paid for. You are then pointed towards the direction of the ladies side. Historical note: apparently back in the day, being caught on the wrong gender side was punishable by death. Needless to say, we avoided exploring. Lord knows we were probably already on the jihad list for our other skin bearing sins i.e. wearing normal clothing. As you adapt to the environment of the bathhouse, one cannot expect any English or any instructions that maybe deemed helpful. You must be prepared to navigate your way with only grunts and nudges. We ended up choosing to have the traditional bath as well as the oil massage. As a result, we were given three items: a token for each service, and most noteworthy of all… a pair of black panties. I always love it when my adventures lead to a free pair of panties… and I didn’t even have to peel these off anyone.
Once in the dressing room area, we stripped, put on our new
matching panties and wrapped ourselves in a thin, checkered, cotton towel
(peştamal) sarong style. We wandered our
way out and other patrons pointed us towards a doorway that led into a large
octagon shaped steam room with a high domed ceiling and marble floors. The steam room had a heated marble platform
(sıcaklık) in the center. Surrounding
the marble platform were bathing basins (kurna) and private bathing cubicles
(halvet). This particular bathhouse is
open until midnight; we arrived a little before 10pm.
When we walked into the steam room the women working there
made it very clear they were not happy about having three more people arriving at such a late hour (some sentiments are not lost in translation).
They demanded to see our tokens, no doubt hoping we had wandered into
the wrong section. Once they realized
we hadn’t, they pointed for us to lie down on the giant marble platform and
began speaking loudly to each other in Turkish. These were definitely not words
of affirmation, but more like words of disgust from over-worked 60+ year old
women. I’m thinking the labor unions never made it to Turkey. There definitely doesn’t seem to be a
Department of Labor presence to enforce wage & hour laws, that’s for sure.
Now I don’t know if this is true for you… but when I’m
naked, especially in front of a stranger (not that I have tons of experience
here), I lose a bit of my edge, I feel slightly vulnerable. So here we are, exposed to the world, hoping
we’re in the right spot, and directed to lie down next to each other in a giant
room. The attendants are in the same
black panties that we are, and some are wearing black bras, and some are wearing nothing at all.
What a scene! It’s rather confusing, and to this point not
as relaxing as I’d hoped. After some time passes, my mom is the first of us to
be called. This makes me chuckle as I’m not sure what the older Turkish hamam
ladies will think about my free-spirited, tattooed, firecracker of a
mother. Meanwhile, Tina, myself, and some
random Japanese girl lie practically naked on the marble platform and start to
giggle; this experience is so strange already.
Next up is Tina, we say our goodbyes, God only knows if we’ll see each
other again. Awkward, check;
uncomfortable, check; my turn, check. Upon being summoned, I am rushed to a
different area of the platform and directed to lie face down. As I do so, the
attendant begins to bathe me with an exfoliating scrub and a bubble wash. She grunts and taps my legs when I am to roll
over. Then she leads me to a basin and abruptly, without any warning, dumps
water over me as I sit on the stone.
Wow, that’s not what I expected. Next I am led back to the platform
where another product is rubbed over my body.
Then again, without warning, I am pulled up and led to another room. My
new Japanese friend is watching me as I depart. My soggy undressed body waves
back with a smirk… ha! I know what she
is in for. Little does she know…
All in all, I am sure the 15 minute bathing process removed my dead skin, cleansed my
pores, facilitated better skin breathing, and improved blood circulation, yada-yada-yada. However, the abrupt and
callous manner in which I have been handled has left me a little shell-shocked.
I most definitely was not at Bonneville or one of the other spas I love back
as I was feeling like a child who had misbehaved and was awaiting a lashing, a
different, kinder set of arms came from behind and wrapped me in a huge
towel. She hugged me, still from behind,
and walked me into the next room. There she helped me up on a massage table. She then began to sing the most angelic song
(albeit in Turkish) as she artfully massaged my body. I enjoyed every moment of her soothing
celestial voice, nodding along as I tried to absorb her joyful emotion. I fear I might have unknowingly paid homage
to Allah, but I figured I could repent later to my God, who seems to be
slightly less angry than Allah. And it must be said, that under the
circumstances, this was probably the safer response knowing full well the angry
naked bath attendant was still in a room nearby.
the massage I was offered a shower to rinse. I then met Tina and my mom in the
large jacuzzi / pool area... where we laughed long and hard about our
individual and completely unique experiences.
really wish I had taken the time to read about the Turkish bath experience
before going… I think it would have made the process less confusing and I would
have managed to stay longer and better enjoy soaking up all the beautiful
facility had to offer. Regardless of an
angry old half-naked bath attendant or two – the experience was amazing!!
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