
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Scenes worth seeing in NYC

The view from the train coming into the city as the sun was setting

                                           Time Square                                             Radio City Music Hall                      
                             (where I lust after the anchors of                       located in Rockefeller Center
                                   Good Morning America)

      (Left) Decided I would take a picture of this tunnel while jogging through Central Park. 
 I suppose it is a cool looking structure, but I think I was really just wanting to take a break from my run.
(Right) The Plaza - couldn't resist taking a picture of this famous NY location (and I didn't mind 
strolling by all the high-end shops and drooling over their window displays).  I could 
actually taste the discontentment as I lusted after the shoes, handbags, beauty products and clothes.

Notice the Empire State Building
poking its head in the background
This picture was taken from the High Lines
 (definitely worth the walk).

I could seriously spend days walking up and down the neighborhoods streets.  There is something so fascinating about seeing how other people live and "do life".  These are townhouses I found to be quite adorable in the West Village - LOVE THE RED DOOR!

                        I bet the greenery is                                            I love the red window panes
                   gorgeous in the spring time                                        on these SoHo apartments

Even my heart of stone turns sentimental when it comes to my country.   

While I was nursing a food coma/hangover
this fire escapewas shaming me to get
 off my butt and go exercise.  I think if 
I lived in the city I would use my fire 
escape as alow-budget StairMaster.

The most badass driving range EVER!!!!
These two photographs are at the 9/11 Memorial.  

The Brooklyn Bridge (from the river).

View from the train
somewhere around New Haven
(classic rich people vacation homes).

Capitol building in Providence, RI
(view from the train station)
if you were to turn slightly
to the left there is an even more
spectacular view of Nordstrom

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